Our Services

Pregnancy Testing

The Alpha Pregnancy Center offers lab-quality urine pregnancy testing with same day results. The tests we use are considered greater than 99% accurate* when taken at least 4 weeks from the first day of your last menstrual cycle. Testing is provided in a private, individualized setting with no cost for the services provided. The visit includes a consultation with a nurse and a list of OBGYN providers in the area. The nurse on site will provide a written verification of conclusive test results. 

A positive pregnancy test suggests pregnancy but is not conclusive. It is important to confirm other information about your pregnancy before making a pregnancy decision. The nurse will talk with you to determine your eligibility for an ultrasound and help you get that scheduled as soon as possible based on your medical history.

Check your estimated due date based on your last menstrual period here.


An ultrasound is an important step in confirming your pregnancy and beginning your decision-making process.

Whether you plan to parent, make an adoption plan, or are seeking an abortion, these are all important questions for you to answer early in your pregnancy. Our nurses are trained to answer questions about all three of these options and to assist you in determining healthy early pregnancy. While we do offer ultrasounds to eligible patients free of charge, our team does not refer for or perform abortion services in our clinics.

What Can An Ultrasound Tell Me?

Is There a

As many as 1 out of 4 pregnancies** end in a miscarriage, so it is good for you to know if your pregnancy is still viable or if you are in the process of a potential miscarriage before making a decision about your pregnancy. An ultrasound can measure fetal heart tones to help confirm viability.

Where is the
Pregnancy Located?

An important step in determining a healthy pregnancy is to rule out an ectopic or tubal pregnancy by confirming that the pregnancy is located in the uterus, where it is supposed to be. An ectopic pregnancy can be life-threatening. It is also not affected by the abortion pill and can continue to grow, even if you have taken the abortion pill.

How Far Along
Am I?

Using your menstrual cycle as a determination for how far along your pregnancy is may be inaccurate if you are unsure of your cycle dates or if you experience irregular cycles. An ultrasound will allow measurements of the fetus to give a more accurate estimate. With current state laws regulating abortion, you will need to consider gestational age as you make your decision.

Ready to Connect?

Call us today at (229) 431-2343 to get started.

Pregnancy Options

Decisions made during times of pregnancy can be life changing, making it more important than ever that you consider all your options carefully.  You may be unsure of what you want to do, or you may already know.  As you read below, you will see the options of continuing your pregnancy to term and parenting, making an adoption plan, or choosing to terminate your pregnancy.  Alpha Pregnancy Center is here to help you in many different ways as you weigh the options of your pregnancy.  Your health and your pregnancy journey are important to our team.

What Can APC Do For You?

Inform & Educate

Provide you with evidence-based education to help inform you as you make your decision


Offer an ultrasound to determine if you have a viable pregnancy and find out how far along you are in your pregnancy

Listen & Care

Listen to you with compassion and respect


Keep your information private

Free Resources

Provide our services to you at no charge and with no obligations

Abortion Information

Considering abortion?

Any decision you make about your pregnancy will impact you and those involved with this decision. Abortion, like parenting and adoption, are lifelong choices. It is important to take the time to consider your options before making a decision. The APC is here to help you with informational resources as you make your choice, however, we do not refer for or perform abortion services in our clinics.

Things You Need to Know About Abortion

Georgia law*** allows for abortion up to 6 weeks gestation. An ultrasound can help you find out how far along your pregnancy actually is before you decide.

About 1 out of 4 pregnancies end in a miscarriage**. If you are already in the process of a miscarriage, an abortion would be unnecessary as the pregnancy would not be growing.

Some pregnancies begin to grow outside the uterus. These are called ectopic or tubal pregnancies*****. An ectopic pregnancy can be life threatening and is a health emergency. An ultrasound can help to determine if your pregnancy us located in the uterus where it is supposed to be. Also, the abortion pill does not terminate an ectopic pregnancy***. So taking the pill would not cause an ectopic pregnancy to stop growing.

What if you change your mind? The abortion pill is a two-dose regimen. Some women find that they would like to change their mind after taking the first pill. If you find yourself in that situation, you can contact the Abortion Pill Reversal Network (abortionpillreversal.com) and they can determine if your pregnancy is eligible for potential reversal and help to connect you to a provider.


Considering making an adoption plan for your baby? Any decision you make about your pregnancy will impact you and those involved with this decision. Adoption can be a loving parenting choice and we can help you get the information you need if you are considering this option. Here are some things the Alpha Pregnancy Center can help you with:

How APC Can Help With Adoption:

We have several adoption agencies that we can connect you with to find more information on what the process would look like for you and your family.

Our team members are trained to discuss adoption with you and will listen to you and seek to connect you with the best help possible.

Adoption is not “one-size fits all” and it has changed over the years. It is important for you to know the options you have available to you before making an adoption plan for your baby.

The APC team is here to support you.  Making an adoption plan can be a beautiful option for your baby, but it can also be difficult. We are ready to listen to your concerns and help you think through your decision. 

Parenting Resources

Planning to parent your baby? The Alpha Pregnancy Center has resources to help you on your journey. Any decision you make about your pregnancy will impact you and those involved with this decision. Parenting is an amazing journey, but it can also be challenging. It is important to have a good support system during this time.  We want to be there to help support you as you take this path.

APC Parenting Resources

Pre-Natal Classes

We have classes designed for pregnant moms. These classes focus on topics about your pregnancy and your baby’s development. They are designed to help you and your family welcome a healthy new baby and to take care of yourself and your body, too.

Parenting Classes

Just because your baby has arrived doesn’t mean our support for you ends. Parenting can be challenging, and our classes are available up to 2 years of age. These classes cover topics to give you good information on best practices to raise a healthy, well adjusted baby. 

Baby Items

As a participant in our classes, you have access to our baby store where you can get items that you need for raising a baby. We keep our store stocked with diapers, wipes, and other baby care items that a baby needs. 

Support & Encouragement

Our team of trained advocates is there to walk through the journey with you as you seek to educate yourself to be the best mom you can be!

Ready to Connect?

Call us today at (229) 431-2343 to get started.

Reproductive Loss

Reproductive loss is a difficult journey and many women travel the emotions that come afterward alone. Alpha Pregnancy Center is committed to caring for you as you move through your pregnancy loss.  We have a support system for you, whether your loss was through miscarriage, child loss, or abortion. Please get in touch with your local office to learn more.

Resources for Men

Becoming a father offers a unique set of challenges. We offer mentoring opportunities to encourage and support you as you begin your new adventure as a dad. These sessions are also great for men that already have children and would like to continue to learn and grow as a father.

APC Classes for Fathers

Being Your Child's
Role Model

Children look up to their dad. You have a great opportunity and responsibility ahead of you as you raise your new baby. Our classes and mentors will help you navigate the challenges and enjoy the opportunities. Learn how to lead with confidence.

Managing Your

New babies bring new challenges. Figuring out how to balance your finances is important for your family. We have trained mentors that can help you learn to budget and balance your hard-earned money and provide for your family.

Leading Your
Family Well

Dads are so important to their families well-being. We want to walk beside you as you become a man who shows up for his family and grows great kids!


(*) Tests are 99% accurate

Reproductive Health Test Kit McKesson Consult™ hCG Pregnancy Test 25 Tests CLIA Waived. McKesson. January 2025.

(**) 1 out of 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage

March of Dimes. October 2024. Miscarriage.

(***) GA abortion law 

House Bill 481. State of Georgia. 1 January 2020.

(****) Ectopic pregnancy definition

US Food and Drug Administration. January 2025. Questions and Answers on Mifepristone for Medical Termination of Pregnancy Through Ten Weeks Gestation.

(*****) Ectopic pregnancy not affected by abortion pill

US Food and Drug Administration. January 2025. Questions and Answers on Mifepristone for Medical Termination of Pregnancy Through Ten Weeks Gestation.